Court cases can be decided as early on as in the interview room. You will probably be familiar with the expression ‘anything you say can be used against you’. This also applies to Dutch criminal law: what has been said remains said. ‘Off the record’ does not exist. You can never again withdraw your statement. What is even more important is that your statement can be used as (important) evidence against you or against others. Therefore never go unprepared to an interview, even if the police officer who interviews you seems understanding or friendly. Please contact us to discuss strategy before you give a statement of any kind.
Usually, you have the right to know prior to the interview what subject you are to be interviewed on. Have you been informed about this? And are you a suspect or only a witness? Do you understand the charge or criminal provision(s) you are confronted with? Are you obliged to give a statement or do you have the right to remain silent? Is it permitted for a lawyer to be present at the interview? We are here and happy to help if you need us to answer these important questions.