mr. D.W.E. Sternfeld


+31 (0) 6 39678288 |

Douwe Sternfeld studied law at the University of Amsterdam. He subsequently completed a master’s degree in criminal law at Utrecht University in 2022 (cum laude). He graduated on the general criminalisation of preparatory acts according to article 46 of the Netherlands Criminal Code. During his study, Douwe Sternfeld gained experience at several law firms, particularly in the field of financial and economic criminal law. In 2021, he won the National Criminal Defense Competition for Students (tied for first place). He started his career as a defence attorney in 2023 at the J. Kuijper law firm, which specialises in criminal cassation proceedings at the Supreme Court. Douwe Sternfeld joined Jebbink Soeteman Advocaten on 1 June 2024. He is a member of the Dutch Association of Young Criminal Lawyers (NVJSA) and is on its ‘Watchdog’ committee. This committee monitors new legislation and other relevant criminal law developments for the NVJSA, in order to inform its members about this.